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생명공학의 최첨단 기술력 제품!

캐미컬이나 비윤리적인 근원에서 나온 제품이 아닌,
​청정자연의 원료들을 기반으로 과학적인 프로그램의 원리로 근복적 삶의 변화를 통해 온몸의 활력과 생기가 활성화하여 건강뿐 아니라 젊음과 행복을 연결해줍니다.

Dr. Tina와 Dr. Chris는 60여년 쌓인 자연 요법 임상 경험과 Dr. Eskeland로부터 전수 받은 신호 분자 기술력을 융합하여 젊음 회복 기술력을 더 발전시켰습니다.

텔로유스는 최첨단 생명공학 기술력들과 자연 속 최고의 비밀들을 조합하여 완성된 젊은 회복 시스템입니다. 젊음 회복 기술력은 몸 속 잠들어버린 젊음의 비밀을 다시 활성화 시킵니다.

캐나다 의사 Dr. John Ralston Davison은 자신이 치료하는 암환자들이 잘 회복되지 않는 이유가 2가지, 즉 필요한 영양분이 충분히 몸에 공급되지 않고 면역이 약해졌기 때문임을 알아내고 이 두 문제를 해결하기 위해 연구하던 중 이 부화추출물을 만들어내게 되었습니다.


박사는 다른 동물들과 달리 조류는 알에서 직접 생명체가 태어나는 것에 주목하게 되었습니다. 다른 동물들은 탯줄을 통해 영양을 공급받는데 조류는 알 자체에 생명을 탄생시키는 모든 영양소가 있다는 것을 주목하고 조류알을 연구하였습니다.


그리고 완전식품 계란에 대하여 연구하여 닭이 알을 품은지 9-10일 사이에 생명체를 만들 수 있는 강력한 영양분이 합성된다는 것을 알게 되었고 그것을 추출하여 암환자들에게 섭취시킨 결과 놀라운 회복 효과를 체험하게 되었습니다. 



박사는 이 부화추출물이 암과 싸우는 면역력을 강화시켜  환자를 회복시킨다는 것을 확신하고 이것을 더 연구하고 발전시키기 위하여 연구비를 정부에 신청하였으나 기존 의료 기득권들의 보이지 않는 손에 눌려 연구비를 지원받지 못하자 더 이상 연구가 진행되지 못하였고 그 후 이 부화추출물의 놀라운 효능은 잊혀지게 되었습니다. 



그 후 캐나다의 한 대학이 이 부화추출물에 대해 연구를 다시 시작하여 암을 방지하는 백신의 효과가 있다는 것과 암 종양이 줄어드는 것을 확인하던 중 연구비 지원이 중단되어 또 다시 연구가 중단되었습니다. (데이비슨 박사의 영어 동영상이 그것을 설명합니다). 데이비슨 박사 Vimeo 동영상 시청 click 


그후 노르웨이의 과학자 Dr. Bjodne Eskeland가 부화추출물에 관심을 가지고 이것을 더 연구하고 특허를 내었고 저희 회사가 독점 계약하여 이 노르웨이산 천연 청정 부화추출물을 주 원료로 TeloYouth를 2019년에 출시하게 되었는데 체험사례 동영상에서 볼 수 있는 것처럼 놀라운 각종 부위 회복 사례들이 속속 보고되고 있습니다. 


이 TeloYouth는 생명을 탄생시키는 강력한 성분이 있기에 복용하면 새로운 세포가 빨리 자라 늙고 병든 세포들을 몰아내어 머리부터 발가락까지 온 몸이 회복되고 몸의 면역이 극대화 되어 건강하고 활기찬 생활을 하게됩니다.


Chris Morris, ND

Dr. Chris Morris is an internationally recognized Naturopathic Physician and Sports Nutritionist. As a consultant for health care companies, Dr. Morris has helped formulate nutritional products and develop high impact marketing strategies for several emerging companies providing research, marketing and education. He brings a unique perspective to health, with his broad background in the fields of bio-physics, nutraceuticals, anti-aging medicine and advanced diagnostic devices to assist the client in reestablishing optimal levels of health. He focuses on circadian biology, seasonal dieting, nutrition and the natural healing cycles of the body to build optimum health, vitality and longevity. He is author of an internationally best-selling book, The True Nature of Healing, published in 1997 and now in its second printing, which is currently being used by the Ohio Nurses Association as part of its continuing education program. His expertise is continually sought after in the world of alternative medicine to explore the human potential for optimal health and longevity. Dr. Morris obtained his BA in mathematics and physics from Indiana University where he also excelled as a star athlete and was named the MVP of his college football team in 1970. Then after 5 years of professional football with the Cleveland Browns and the New Orleans Saints wanting to serve humanity in a more profound way, Dr. Morris entered the field of alternative medicine full time in 1983. Since then he has collaborated with some of the world’s top medical and nutritional experts including Dr. Earl Mindell, author of The Vitamin Bible and Dr. Barry Sears, author of The Zone Diet, along with leading specialists in the field of Bioenergetic Medicine around the world. As part of his medical practice, Dr. Morris served as Naturopath and Health Consultant at the Woodside Family Health Center in California from 1993 to 1998. Over a span of 35 years, Dr. Morris has received advanced certifications and degrees in Naturopathy, Herbology and Nutrition. He is the recipient of numerous honors and accolades in alternative medicine and wellness research. He served as a research associate of the Occidental Institute Research Foundation in British Columbia, Canada (which focuses on energy medicine and diagnostics). He has also served as a colleague and practitioner of Mayr Physicians of Austria, is a former member of the California Naturopathic Association and editorial review board for the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association (JANA). He also is a member of the American Association of Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr. Morris consults and speaks internationally on natural healing and sports nutrition. In March of 2001 he was invited as a keynote speaker in Berlin, Germany at one of the top scientific symposiums in the world celebrating Man’s 40th Year in Space. The symposium was attended by physicians, scientists and astronauts from the European Space Administration, NASA and the Russian Academy of Medical Science (who sponsored the event). The topics included the Future of Space Medicine, the Impact of Nonnative EMFs while in Space, and International Collaboration in Medicine and its Impact on World Health. Dr. Morris also authors continuing education courses for doctors and nurses. Recently, he was asked to be part of the faculty for the Philippine Medical & Nurses Association of Southern California in their CME Program. The topic he presented was The Clinical Application of Glycobiology and Carbohydrates to Chronic Degenerative Disease.

Tina Johnson is an internationally recognized Traditional Naturopath and Energy Medicine Practitioner. Her research and studies in the functional food/nutraceutical, regenerative science industry and genetics training has provided her a wealth of knowledge for product development and marketing that has been part of her successful health practice over the years. Her passion for advanced technologies has led her to create and market leading edge wellness products. She is an expert in skin rejuvenation and has trained and educated estheticians and health professionals globally. Along with her degrees, Tina has numerous certifications in the wellness sector that include Advanced Health and Nutrition, Reiki Mastery, Epigenetic and Genetic Nutrition and personal experience in Sports Nutrition as an athlete and competitive body builder.​

As the former President of a network marketing company, Dr. Johnson was responsible for the entire organization from operations to field relations, product development and education, marketing, sales and promotions, inventory and financial stability. Her initiatives took a failing network marketing company from less than 20 members to over 8,000 members within 18 months.

​Alongside her experience in the health and wellness industry, Dr. Johnson has excelled on the corporate level over the last 28 years within technology and the multi-media industries. Tina is the Founder and President of Mind Body & Spirit, Inc. Her company hosted, produced and directed over 150 educational cable TV shows and 30 live radio shows on FM107 called, “Life Changing Conversations.” in the Twin Cities. All focused-on health and wellness strategies. It was the first company to provide award winning internet services as a co-operative providing leading edge wellness solutions, and education based on a network of alternative health practitioners, articles and lifestyle management practices.

​Her in-depth experience as an entrepreneur and corporate executive running multiple companies ranging from start-ups to fortune 1000. Her abilities to communicate the responsibilities and complexities of running a successful business in highly competitive fields and in highly-regulated industries have earned her a great reputation amongst her peers. Serving on the Advisory Boards for network marketing companies in the wellness sector, she consults in the areas of product formulation, marketing, compensation plan development, customer service enhancements, sales training and incentives, events and promotions, product education, back office design and report development.​

Tina is a visionary, entrepreneur and educator. She has been invited to speak internationally at universities, professional conferences and at numerous corporate events. She has travelled to China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Canada, Hong Kong and throughout the US marketing and educating her stem cell activation technology in front of audiences as large as 15,000.

Tina remains engaged in ongoing research and continuing education in therapeutic and regenerative medicine, anti-aging strategies, epigenetics, energy medicine, biophoton communication and excels by helping others to understand the multi-dimensional approach to wellness.


Tina Johnson, ND

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